ahhhhhh...my favorite holiday! well,
christmas is right up there with
halloween. i have amassed so much stuff over the years due to the fact that we always have costume parties.

this year i think we counted 20 twenty gallon tubs...something like that. i was so overwhelmed that i gave up and decided to only use some things. haven't used the voodoo themed stuff in a long time...chicken bones, small alligator head, religious candles... way to much in the poor attic.

i'm keeing quiet so i can post quicker!

the kitchen island...

this, by the way, was a nasty piece when i bought it at spice for $50. it was a sad, dingy green and had been modified with "stuff". a little time, love, and paint....and viola! something beautiful that i am so
happpppppy to have in my home.
marta, i bought these nobs the other day and they don't match...could i maybe exchange one so they match, if that's possible. if not, it's no biggie. i need to swing by next week for my lampshade.
i'll call before i visit.

i am sad that
nicole sayre doesn't make her holiday pieces anymore. i really miss her.

the kitchenette...
i made these lights out of dyed coffee filters.

they look so much better in person. too bad :( next year i'm adding a small, black pre-lit tree that i've drooled over (for a coupple of years) at amy's Bloom and Bee Swanky. i'm finally buying it this year...for next.
no, i don't need it, but what the hell, right?